Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little Pearls

Dear Lord, I have been thinking a lot recently about my new little students. Now that I have the list, I can pray for them by name. I pray that you will give me the capacity to love and the wisdom to teach each one of them! I pray that I will look upon them, every day, as your children. I pray that with each irritant, I will see the opportunity to be the shaper of a pearl. Lord, give me fresh enthusiasm, give me quiet in the midst of the daily rush, give me the competence to meet each need. Smile from within me, Lord, so they may see your reflection in my face. I pray for their homes and their families, that they be love centered and responsibility driven. I pray that I can work with each parent on behalf of their child in a way that empowers them towrd their maximum potential. Hear my prayer, oh Lord. Guide me in my serving you through my role in this classroom. Ephesians 4:16b : "...when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."

1 comment:

  1. I will be sharing this with John. This is very sweet and I believe every student is blessed to have you for their teacher. G


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